Man Utd confirms Ferguson message to Muscat was genuine
Club says letter was sent last September

Manchester United has confirmed with that its legendary manager Alex Ferguson wished Labour leader Joseph Muscat luck for the upcoming election.
"Sir Alex did send the letter on September 6, 2012 in response to a letter from Dr Muscat," the club's director of communications said.
The Labour Party in an advert carried in The Times today reproduces a letter from Sir Alex were he says: "I sincerely hope that the people of Malta support Dr Joseph Muscat in his quest to bring the Labour Party back into power in Malta. My own background all my life has been linked to the Labour Party because of the fundamental beliefs in looking after the working class in terms of health, education and wellbeing.
"I wish them well in the future campaign and am sure that they will be successful," said the letter, which elicited doubts on the social media whether the message was genuine.
The PL also received an endorsement from former UK Labour leader Tony Blair.