Joe GaleaJoe Galea

The police are on the lookout for two men who they believe killed a 58-year-old man in Marsa this morning, when they fired a series of shots at the back of his car.

The police believe the two men fired a 7.62 calibre assault rifle from a silver Toyota Rav 4, which they are also looking for.

An autopsy held this afternoon established that Joe Galea, 58, of Marsa, known as il-Gilda, died of gunshot wounds in his back. He was hit by five bullets but the police would not say how many shots were fired.

Investigating officer Supt Silvio Valletta told a crime conference this evening he did not believe it was prudent to give out the number. The victim’s car was, however, pockmarked with bullets. 

Mr Galea, who has five children, was shot at around 5.10am as he sat in his parked car in Triq Xemxija, in front of his apartment.

The motive is not known, but the victim had reported to the police that he had been threatened.

Police photosPolice photos

Deputy Commissioner Pierre Calleja said he believed the shots were fired from inside the Rav.

Supt Valletta  appealed for anyone who might have seen or heard anything from 4.45am onward to call 112 or contact the police.

Asked whether the police believed there was a link between this and other murders, AC Calleja said the police were investigating whether this was a contracted hit. The victim, he said, had filed police reports that he had received death threats.

Asked whether there was a relevant link to the fact that the victim was related to Jason Galea, who is charged with the murders of Mario Camilleri Snr, Mario Camilleri Jnr and Matthew Zahra, the police said this link was being taken into consideration but it was not the main focus of their investigation.

Police photoPolice photo

AC Calleja was asked about allegations that the victim was a loan shark. He said the police heard of the allegation but they had never received any reports about it. However, they were also following this line of investigation.

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