Karmen Azzopardi back on stage

Karmen Azzopardi After the success of Il-Kapillan ta’ Malta, Staġun Teatru Malti is returning to the Malta Arts Festival with a new, original play in Maltese by Immanuel Mifsud. Directed by Josette Ciappara, Faith, Hope and Charity will have eight...

July 14, 2015| Times of Malta 2 min read
Karmen AzzopardiKarmen Azzopardi

Karmen AzzopardiKarmen Azzopardi

After the success of Il-Kapillan ta’ Malta, Staġun Teatru Malti is returning to the Malta Arts Festival with a new, original play in Maltese by Immanuel Mifsud. Directed by Josette Ciappara, Faith, Hope and Charity will have eight performances between July 22 and August 2 at Fort St Elmo.

“The success of Kappillan revealed there is a market for Maltese nostalgia. That is why we opted to bring it back in this year’s outdoor production for the Malta Arts Festival,” says producer Mario Philip Azzopardi.

The production marks Karmen Azzopardi’s stage comeback after an absence of almost 10 years.

“I am so glad I was offered the part. I was starting to doubt whether I’d ever get back on stage,” she says. “The very first day I attended rehearsals I was given such a wonderful welcome from my colleagues.

“Thanks to the producers and my wonderful director Josette Ciappara, I went through those first moments of doubt with much trepidation but once we started work, it all came back. It’s exhilarating, and I am enjoying myself tremendously. This has given me a new lease on life.”

Faith, Hope and Charity is about three young people caught in the terrible tragedy of the war.

William Timber Woods (Carlos Farrugia), the pilot who flew Charity, downs an Italian pilot (Davide Tucci) who lands in a garden of a villa owned by Contessa Fiorini Sacco (Monica Attard). Her granddaughter, Maria (Sarah Camilleri) takes care of the wounded Italian who is later visited in hospital by Timber Woods.

Both men are drawn to Maria and the relationships that ensue are the subject of this nostalgic bittersweet play.

“It is so wonderful to return to this kind of theatrical entertainment,” says the veteran actress. “In a world full of uncertainties, dubious entertainment and violence, it is great to have the opportunity to return to a wonderful old-fashioned story, penned by one of our best writers. It is a story about love, respect, duty and honour.”

The team has worked on improving the experience at Fort St Elmo.

“We’ve learned a lot regarding logistics and working outside at Fort St Elmo. This time around, all actors will have hidden microphones to boost dialogue, guaranteeing perfect sound, whatever the wind conditions are,” says producer Azzopardi.

• Faith, Hope and Charity will be staged on July 22, 24-26, 29, 31 and August 1 and 2. Booking is open at the Manoel Theatre.

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