Court proceedings against Vincent Muscat in connection with the attempted HSBC heist 12 years ago have been halted while an appeals court decides an application filed by would-be principal witness Darren Debono.

Debono, known as it-Topo, was meant to give evidence in terms of a surprise plea bargain agreement, but he was sentenced to six months imprisonment and fined €4,600 last month after he declared that he would not name anyone else involved in the failed heist, save for Muscat, known as il-Koħħu. Debono said he was doing so because he feared for the safety of his family.

He has since appealed that decision. As part of the plea bargain, he had admitted his involvement in the attempted theft and was jailed for 10 years, six months and fined €18,000.

Vincent Muscat.Vincent Muscat.

On Tuesday, Mr Justice Giovanni Griscti said proceedings against Muscat could not be continued until Debono's appeal was decided.   

The case was adjourned to April.

Lawyers Franco Debono and Roberto Montalto, appearing for Muscat, said it appeared increasingly clear that there was a serious risk of a miscarriage of justice, as they had initially feared.   

Vincent Muscat is serving a 15-year prison term after having admitted his role in the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia. In March last year he was granted a pardon for his role in the 2015 gunning down of lawyer Carmel Chircop. 

The pardon came as part of a deal that saw Muscat agree to provide information on the men who ordered the killing of the well-known lawyer. 

Muscat had also given insight on the 2010 HSBC heist, without identifying anyone, in a failed attempt to get a presidential pardon on a raft of crimes he was involved in. 

In November 2020 Times of Malta had reported that details of the 2010 attempted bank heist have been passed over to police by Muscat, including the alleged involvement of a man believed to be a former Labour politician.

Lawyer Giannella Busuttil appeared for the attorney general's office. 

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