The middleman involved in Daphne Caruana Galizia's murder has tested positive for COVID-19, sources confirmed.

Melvin Theuma was taken to hospital on Thursday just after a sitting in a packed courtroom where he was testifying in the compilation of evidence against Yorgen Fenech, the alleged mastermind behind the murder.

The sitting had to be cut short after he felt unwell during his testimony. 

Theuma had to be escorted out of the hall twice before the magistrate agreed to put an end to proceedings. 

A positive rapid coronavirus test in the evening was confirmed on Friday morning.

The self-confessed middleman had been involved in a stabbing incident at home last July which left him fighting for his life.

The prosecution believes his testimony is crucial to nail those behind the October 2017 murder.

Theuma, who has received both the first and second vaccines recently, is being treated in hospital.

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