Behind the imposing walls of Malta’s prisons lies a world rarely seen by the public.

For the first time, Times Talk is delving deep into the island's correctional system with an extensive, exclusive feature that looks into the notorious system, the prison cells, the challenges faced, and the ongoing reforms.

The full episode will be out on Friday.

Journalist Mark Laurence Zammit was given a four-hour unprecedented filmed tour of the facility by prisons director Chris Siegersma. 

It comes in the wake of a damning report by the Standards Commissioner released last January. 

Malta’s prison has 732 inmates, 673 of whom are men and 59 women.

A prison guard opens one of the cells.A prison guard opens one of the cells.

The full Times Talk podcast detailing that tour will be released on Times of Malta, YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and on social media on Friday.

Watch the previous editions of Times Talk:

Episode 4: Ian Borg

Episode 3: Jason vs Jason

Episode 2: Yorgen Fenech's bail

Episode 1: The Um El Faroud blast

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