“Who will stop Angela Merkel? She has fulfilled Hitler’s dream to control Europe”. This post was uploaded by the Maltese ambassador to Finland. The rant triggered a diplomatic incident resulting in the forced resignation and an embarrassing apology to Germany. It came at an incredibly sensitive time for Malta having taken a belligerent position towards Operation Irini in its attempt to draw the attention of larger EU nations like Germany.

That Michael Zammit Tabona would make a fool of himself was inevitable.  He has done so before and doubtlessly will do so again.

He uploaded racist and xenophobic posts as an ambassador. He engaged in partisan public commentary, deceitful claims about politicians as well as incoherent anti-EU diatribes. He shared Glenn Bedingfield’s blogpost ridiculing Simon Busuttil and glorifying Joseph Muscat.

None of this is Zammit Tabona’s fault. After all he admitted in an article entitled ‘What it’s like to be an ambassador?’ that “you know nothing at the beginning”, except it wasn’t just at the beginning.

We were reminded, as if this were necessary, that he was not a career diplomat.

He was a political appointee, hand-picked for the job as a reward for his services to the Labour Party by Muscat. The fact that he was completely unfit for the role did not deter Muscat. His undiplomatic racist posts went unchecked. As Muscat’s appointee, he did as he pleased.

Thankfully he is gone. But not before causing untold damage to Malta’s tattered reputation.

Why did Muscat inflict a whole army of vulgar and pathetic dilettantes on the nation?- Kevin Cassar

This was not a one-off. Muscat and his Labour government have populated key positions in government entities, embassies and cultural organisations with dangerously incompetent sycophants and others with criminal history or intent.

Even European commissioner Karmenu Vella was compelled to condemn Malta for “infringements and malpractices” that led to the suspension of another Muscat appointee, Andreina Fenech Farrugia. She was appointed to the fisheries top post on Muscat’s orders. She had been transferred away from the department in 2010. She was reinstated after Labour’s victory. Muscat claimed he was unaware of previous misconduct charges despite a 100-page report.

The notorious Jason Micallef was rebuked by the Commission for ridiculing Daphne Caruana Galizia, calling his actions “undignified and unacceptable”.

Seventy-two MEPs asked for his immediate dismissal as V18 chairman.

A European Commission report concluded that his comments had “caused considerable damage” to European Capital of Culture’s international reputation as well as to Valletta and Malta. Owen Bonnici defended him.

Former V18 artistic director Mario Philip Azzopardi caused outrage with his hate speech against MEP Roberta Metsola. While still director he used misogynistic slurs to attack a private citizen protesting against the sale of passports.

He threatened to use political connections to block artists’ access to public funds. He bragged that the government “owed” him his position since he helped win the election. Micallef sprang to his defence.

Muscat’s appointee as CEO for the Foundation for Social Welfare, Alfred Grixti recommended that migrant rescue boats should be impounded and scuttled.

The Maltese Association of Social Workers stated that they cannot work with him. He lashed out at the archbishop calling him part of a “coalition of confusion” to defend his friend Tony Zarb.

Zarb, another darling of Muscat and consultant at Konrad Mizzi’s ministry branded Maltese MEPs traitors and urged people to give them a traitor’s welcome.

He attacked Occupy Justice protesters with misogynistic and vulgar insults and commented about Caruana Galizia that “the most important thing is that she never returns”. Yet Zarb was awarded the country’s highest honour.

The list goes on. John Dalli, disgraced former European Commissioner was appointed a consultant by Muscat forcing police commissioner John Rizzo out to allow the “sick” Dalli to return. 

The FBI had investigated two companies linked to Dalli after a group of American investors were swindled out of their life savings.

Cyrus Engerer, convicted to a two-year prison sentence, was appointed Muscat’s sherpa and given security clearance by Malta’s national authorities despite European Council rules that prevent people with criminal records being given access to classified information.

Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco had an impeachment motion brought against him. The Commission for the Administration of Justice had evidence of misbehaviour after he defied calls to resign as president of the Malta Olympic Committee.

He was able to retire without being impeached with the collusion of Muscat who allowed him to delay impeachment until his resignation. He was subsequently appointed chair of the Lands Authority. Farrugia Sacco was aided in escaping impeachment by another Muscat appointee – Speaker Anġlu Farrugia had declared the impeachment motion null.

Like Zammit Tabona, Farrugia was completely unfit for his role.  A floundering inarticulate embarrassment famous for his “ubiquitous” and “it gives me great welcome and pleasure” speech at the start of the Maltese presidency of the European Council. This of course is not Farrugia’s fault. This was Muscat’s fault.

Why did Muscat inflict a whole army of incompetent, vulgar and pathetic dilettantes on the nation?

Was it error of judgement? No. Muscat knew well that these people were inept, unreliable or out of their depth.

But he appointed them anyway – to reward, to silence or to curry favour. Even when they messed up he protected them.

At last we thank God for little mercies. Zammit Tabona has been forced to apologise and kicked out. The cronyism pervading the Labour government has been the highest of treasons. Enough is enough.

Kevin Cassar is professor of surgery, consultant vascular surgeon. He was a Nationalist Party general election candidate before resigning from the party in 2017.

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