Former chief of staff Keith Schembri will be facing cross examination by the lawyers of Yorgen Fenech, a former friend of his who now stands charged with Daphne Caruana Galizia's murder. The development came at the end of a three-hour compilation of...
Magistrate to rule on request in chambers
Vincent Muscat requested recusal because her brother is a sitting minister
If lead character Gail Vella seems familiar, now you know why
Vince Muscat is testifying in Daphne Caruana Galizia's murder public inquiry on Tuesday, a month-and-a-half after he admitted his role in the assassination of the journalist. Muscat, known as il-Koħħu, is one of the most high-profile witnesses in the...
Court case continues hearing harrowing accounts of Daphne bomb aftermath
Five bitcoin wallets being reviewed
Woman believes acquittal will prove her innocence
Vincent Muscat declares José Herrera is not one of ministers implicated
Decree could have widespread ramifications
Robert Abela must admit that what happened on his party’s watch was wrong, apologise and assume political responsibility The historic arraignment on March 20 of Keith Schembri triggered several reactions. But none as predictable as that of Prime...
Life is like that. Keith Schembri was Joseph Muscat’s chief of staff, an emulation of Tony Blair’s Alistair Campbell. Everything went through him; he was an electoral strategist, and as he himself boasts, the mastermind behind Labour’s electoral...
Left-wing NGO submits statement to public inquiry into journalist's murder
Hopes evidence gathered will prevent other journalists from being killed
The 12-month project will be funded by Erasmus+
Brothers claim an ex-minister masterminded Daphne Caruana Galizia's murder
His predecessor has left the kichen. Now Robert Abela must handle the heat
Businessman's lawyers called for 'urgent' measures to stop leaks
29 NGOS across Europe in joint action
Abela should order a probe into deals which Schembri piloted as chief of staff
Just because some criminals get caught doesn't mean institutions are working
The middleman involved in Daphne Caruana Galizia's murder has tested positive for COVID-19, sources confirmed. Melvin Theuma was taken to hospital on Thursday just after a sitting in a packed courtroom where he was testifying in the compilation of...
Vince Muscat must reveal all he knows about everything
Labour MEPs only ones to speak in defence of Malta's government in EP debate
Magistrate orders ban on names so as not to put people 'in danger'
Saturday’s arraignments, long overdue, were a step in the right direction
'European values, citizenship are not for sale', says Didier Reynders
Malta’s reputation is in tatters, there’s no two-ways about it
No breach of fundamental rights found
MPs in contact with Fenech on day he was revealed as 17 Black owner
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