This is the third article in the new Times of Malta column on the built environment
The collapse occurred early Sunday morning
There is nothing remotely aesthetically pleasing about what we’re building
Miriam Pace was killed when excavation next door led to building collapse
Developers get on with Victoria works after submitting new method statement
'The world's biggest icons were always criticised', developer Joseph Portelli says
Construction mogul's views on stamp duty incentive differ from that of MDA
Malta developers chief was interviewed by Jon Mallia for his podcast show
John Sofia aghast at the lack of due diligence
The data was presented at a conference launching KPMG’s annual review of the property market
Police and Occupational Health and Safety Authority investigations are ongoing
Government open to the idea, Robert Abela tells parliament
Authority receives more than 3,500 applications as new rules come into force
Proposals made in responsce to discuss paper
Appeal against hotel still pending
Any development in ODZ should only be carried out in committed areas, says lobby group
Discovery includes an underground cave and shelter and an ancient tomb
204 pedestrians have been injured this year so far. What do experts think are the causes?
Two new villas with pools planned for rural area
Firefighters heard collapse and were on site within two minutes
MEP candidate submits information to the Jean-Paul Sofia inquiry board
It was the residence of the Hollywood star and his wife
He fell around two storeys
Around 2,300 construction contractors submit application for licence so far
The neighbourhood itself has an intangible cultural heritage
Building industry needs professional upgrading through regulation and enforcement
'At the BCA unless we do things well, people will die'
Workmen dug out a shaft a year ago, but have not returned in months
‘I’m simply pursuing a love of cheese making’, applicant for ODZ farm says
Uplift in quality and energy efficiency must be incentivised, MDA president tells AGM
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