He reportedly sent the messages to sway politicians
The recent ruling by the European Court for Human Rights vindicates the argument that Malta’s migrant detention policy violates human rights
Temporary border checks have been reintroduced
The ruling scuppers the deal signed with Rwanda in April
Each applicant paid some €4,000 for a nonexistent job
The top stories in Malta's newspapers
A Maltese notary alleges her signature was forged in application documents
Temping agent charged with conning more than 250 people
75 expelled from Malta since the beginning of the month
The number of people forcibly displaced from their homes worldwide has now exceeded a record of 114 million
Government forecasts Residency Malta revenue to triple to €25m
Employers need to focus on ‘quality, not quantity’
Plan is to teach basic Maltese phrases, personal grooming and how to be discreet
Repatriation process embarked upon
Government insists people can be detained for health reasons
Some have questioned whether recent searches in areas known to house migrants could be a case of racial profiling
Requirement to be phased in over 12 months, starting with non-EU workers applying from abroad
Escalating pressures are bringing enduring political and socio-economic challenges
Around 14,000 third-country nationals fall into Malta's lowest tax bracket
Between January and October, 6,000 migrants arrived on this remote island which is home to just 11,000 people
He was awarded te Refugee Festival honorary prize for long-term documentation
Agency charging Indians thousands for phantom employment in Malta
New EY survey to reveal how attractive Malta is to foreign companies
Event to mark the UN International Day for Conflict Resolution held
17-year-old who was held with adults in cramped conditions wins landmark case
Kore Group opens overseas training centre as it looks to grow its operations
Stanley came to Malta as a child with his family and is now stuck in a legal limbo
Research reveals negative emotions associated with non-European refugees and asylum seekers
Authorities call shipwrecks tragedies, but do little to encourage rescues at sea
A Ghanaian man had been killed in the attack
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