Former Italian prime minister tasked with a reform of Europe’s single market
Third-country nationals must now pay €300 to apply for a permit to work in Malta
Former PM faces a maximum of 15 years in prison if convicted
Dursa is one of 15 refugees who formed Spark15 in 2015
Last year a boat sank off Pylos in the Peloponnese, drowning 82 people
Progress was made following system changes and talks with neighbouring countries and countries of origin and transit
The 'Specialist Employee Initiative’ is for workers earning at least €25,000
175 arrested migrants were from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Yemen
Ship and crew punished for having tried to rescue second group of people at sea
Malta resumes decisions on Sudanese asylum applications
Sea-Eye urging for donations for its search-and-rescue missions in 2024
The skills card comes at a cost to applicants
French authorities acted on an anonymous tip-off
The EU has lauded the deal as a historic overhaul of its asylum system
Malta breaks ranks with border states Spain, Italy and Greece, which welcomed deal
Critical reception for EU's new migration and asylum pact
Major reform will accelerate vetting of irregular arrivals and deportations of rejected ones
Mark Mallia acknowledges problems with temping agencies but says abuse is being policed
'Leaving multi-culturalism to its own devices will not work'
They are believed to have died because of high waves which swamped vessel
'Such policies violate international, human rights laws'
Conflict ongoing since 2003, but escalation of fighting in April created humanitarian emergency
Agreement would ensure Filipinos experience ‘less exploitation and abuse’
Labour MEP Cyrus Engerer joins activists in Valletta
'After four years afraid to go out, I started speaking up... and I now feel less drained'
Temping agency boss welcomes plans to regulate sector plagued by abuse
Organisations appeal for charges to be dropped
Prosecutors proceed to trial in controversial case that captured global attention
‘The reality is that people are suffering; people feel that the country is overwhelmed’
More than 700,000 migrants were on Libyan territory between May and June
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