The stench of cronyism, influence and maladministration has not wafted away
The application was submitted in 2018
A group of Sliema apartment owners have won a battle to stop a closed café from being converted into a bar outside their block, hailing the Court of Appeal decision as “good news for the rule of law”. The permit, PA/422/20, which proposed alterations...
Development part of project taking up land larger than three football grounds
A sanctioning application has been filed
New guidelines on landscaping, a protocol on forestation
'One of the finest examples of 19th century architecture'
Mayors and lobbyists present united front in 'positive' marathon meeting
Environmental regulator implies 'restoration plan' can reverse damage done
Permits for St Luke's, Gozo hospitals suspended pending documentation
The construction industry is in shambles
It no longer objects to bungalows at site of former explosives factory
I have just spent the last three minutes howling with laughter, but since there is nothing funny about what I am going to write, I am pretty sure it is hysteria. Maybe, I should hang a big neon sign on the island that can be seen from the moon which...
Two Planning Authority officers were threatened and physically attacked by a man slapped with an enforcement notice on his property in Qormi, the PA said on Saturday. One of the officials needed medical treatment at a nearby health centre. Both...
The Environment and Resources Authority board meeting minutes (October 9, 2020) regarding the destruction of trees at Dingli reveal that the ERA vice chairman “suggested that such permission ought to be assembled in a holistic process”. Chair Victor...
Rezoning application would allow buffer zone around cart ruts to be developed
610 residents sign letter to Planning Authority opposing 15-storey plans
Plans for UCA property scaled down to secure planning approval
'Gozo deserves better'
Site falls within scheduled area of ecological importance, high landscape value
The Planning Authority has issued an order for the removal of yet another gate blocking a public pathway in the countryside, this time leading to Blata tal-Melħ, a scenic spot on Baħrija’s coastline, popular with hikers. The gate, which was spotted by...
People should voice their opinions louder than ever
Environment minister urged to intervene
There has been yet another request for pardons related to the Daphne Caruana Galizia assassination. The requests come with the offer to reveal more about past unsolved crimes. And armchair detectives have been eager to dispense advice, clamouring for...
Planning Development Fund promotes projects that embellish urban areas for the benefit of the wider residential community Over the past few weeks, the Planning Authority signed an agreement with the Mosta local council to fund six urban improvement...
Moviment Graffitti replies: PA statement confirms planning permit is needed
A 252-bed home for the elderly has been proposed to be built in a disused quarry outside the development zone in Mqabba. The proposed development, situated in Triq il-Belt Valletta, will see the demolition of existing structures and boundary walls, as...
Plans have been submitted to the Planning Authority (PA) to turn a derelict farm structure into two villas with adjacent pools within a Natura 2000 site in Mellieħa. The proposed development in Triq il-Qammieħ will take up some 4,188 square metres...
Din l-Art ħelwa intervened in almost 400 applications last year alone
We need checks and controls to reduce impact of the powerful and rich lobbies
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