Requiem Mass

A Mass to celebrate the life of TONY DANDRIA who passed away in Australia on July 2, aged 83, will be held at the chapel of the University of Malta on Friday, July 19, at 6.30pm. The attendance of relatives and friends will be appreciated.

In Memoriam

BONELLO – JOSEPHINE. Treasured memories of a beloved mother and grandmother on the 22nd anniversary of her demise. Deeply missed by David, Diana and Edgar and their families. Please remember her in your prayers.

BONELLO du PUIS – TERESA. On her first anniversary. Wonderful memories of our dear mother who loved and cared for us so much. May she rest in peace. Alex, Caroline and Veronica and their families.

GUILLAUMIER – SAVIOUR. In loving memory of a dear father on the 31st anniversary of his death. Never forgotten by his sons and daughter, Tony, widower of Yvette, John, Marlene, widow of John Laspina, Renate, widow of his son Paul, his grandchildren Jonathan, Gordon, Lara, Colette and Sarah, relatives and friends. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

NAUDI. In ever loving memory of my beloved mother EVELYN on her anniversary. Always in our thoughts and prayers. Her daughter Tania, Peter Paul and grandchildren.

Sistina Art Shop

Amery Street, Sliema. Great July offers for professionals and for students!

To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail

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