EPP approves PN amendments to declaration respecting Malta's neutrality

Grech insists veto must be respected

March 20, 2025| Times of Malta 2 min read
PN leader Bernard Grech (R) with EPP president Manfred Weber (L). Photo: PN.PN leader Bernard Grech (R) with EPP president Manfred Weber (L). Photo: PN.

Europe’s largest political group, the European People’s Party (EPP), has approved PN amendments to a joint declaration on behalf of the group, safeguarding Malta’s neutrality in EU defence discussions.  

In a statement Thursday, the Nationalist Party said that following an intervention by party leader Bernard Grech, the EPP had approved amendments proposed by the PN to ensure Malta’s neutrality was respected in European defence discussions.  

Malta’s neutrality is enshrined in its constitution, which lays out a policy of non-alignment with other countries on military matters and precludes participation in military alliances.  

The PN said that while Grech had signalled his support for Europe enhancing its defence capabilities and spending, he stressed it was “equally necessary” to respect the interests of neutral countries like Malta.  

He also insisted that the veto right of all member states should continue to be respected in any agreement reached at a European level on security, stressing the veto existed to ensure member states were able to secure their domestic interests.  

The PN amendments were accepted by the EPP and incorporated into the final join declaration of the group’s summit to be presented to the European Council. 

The Opposition leader also stressed the need for the EU to tackle a rising cost of living affecting its citizens, which the PN said was “severely impacting the Maltese and Gozitan people”. 

While in Brussels, Grech met with Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Antonio Tajani, the statement noted.  

He was accompanied to the Brussels meeting by PN International Secretary Beppe Galea. 

“The Partit Nazzjonalista will continue to defend Malta’s interests at the European level, ensuring that our neutrality remains respected while contributing to the peace and security of the continent”, the statement read.  

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