As part of the activities related to the bishop’s pastoral visit to Għajnsielem parish, Mgr Anton Teuma led a concelebrated mass at St Anthony church with the participation of the Franciscan friars, including Fr Provincial Twanny Chircop, OFM, Fr Guardian Marcello Ghirlando and Għajnsielem parish priest Frankie Bajada.

After mass, Mgr Teuma met the Franciscan community and the altar boys. The bishop also led a half-day retreat for Għajnsielem parish clergy, together with the Franciscan friars at the convent of St Anthony church.

Four years after being consecrated bishop, Anton Teuma is visiting the 15 parishes within the Gozitan Diocese over a six-month period.

The theme chosen for this visit is “And he moved in to live among them”. It is taken from the Gospel that recounts Christ’s meeting with the disciples of Emmaus after his resurrection. Mgr Teuma said this programme of visits in the parishes was aimed mainly at getting God closer to the people, and the people closer to God.

During his week in every parish, besides celebrating mass the Bishop is meeting priests, groups and organisations, catechists and volunteers.

The bishop is also visiting the sick and the elderly and allowing time for personal meetings with parishioners.

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