The Gozo Business Chamber will be marking its 25th anniversary with the launch of a new book at Villa Fiorita, Marsalforn, tomorrow.

The Way Ahead, The Gozo Business Chamber in the Light of Gozo’s Recent History, by Michael Refalo, traces two particular strands in Gozo’s history – it discusses changes in the land and people within society, administration, culture and identity and it takes up the issue of ‘business’, examining how this has been put into practice along the years. The chamber was formed through a public deed signed on December 20, 1999.

The book reveals how, in the 25 years since its foundation, the chamber became a leading interlocutor between local society and the upper echelons of power, both on locally and internationally.

From its onset, the chamber has always been at the forefront of all discussions concerning Gozo. Throughout the years, it has also helped bring to the fore a regional perspective within various areas and regarding issues concerning matters such as EU membership, connectivity and Gozo’s regional status.

The Way Ahead identifies future, which are at the heart of the island’s problems and a major concern for the chamber itself and for Gozo.

The book, made possible through the support of the Gozo Regional Development Authority, not only provides insights into Gozo’s economic history but also analyses the chamber’s contribution from its formation to the present day.

The book launch will be held under the patronage of President Myriam Spiteri Debono, Prime Minister Robert Abela and leader of the opposition Bernard Grech.

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