Malta’s first ever Strategy for Resilient Food Systems

Food is a universal expression of life and joy, yet it is also the root cause of many significant challenges. To address these challenges, it became clear that a comprehensive, cohesive strategy was necessary – one that provides a common direction across the entire food chain. Following months of research, evaluations, and consultations, on October 16 the ministry for agriculture, fisheries, and animal rights launched Malta’s first ever Strategy for Resilient Food Systems, now open for public consultation.

This historic strategy is centred on the vision of building healthier food systems that are fair, viable, and resilient. It aims to foster pride in what we eat, celebrate local products, and empower our food heroes, while focusing on three critical pillars: viable primary production, addressing systemic vulnerabilities in national food security, and promoting conscious consumption. The ultimate goal is to align all stakeholders in order to successfully achieve the strategic objectives outlined within these pillars.

I firmly believe that every sector of our society is an integral stakeholder in this strategy. From the primary school student who expects healthy meals to the producer seeking fair compensation for their work, from the enjoyment of our rural areas to ensuring preparedness for times of crisis. Achieving the goals of this strategy will lead to improvements in our quality of life, spanning security, health, and well-being. This is why it is crucial to approach it correctly, from the very start, as a unified nation.

In addition to providing a shared vision, this strategy will also form the backbone of the upcoming Authority for Food Safety and Security. This will be a significant step towards effectively aligning stakeholders and reinforcing the governance of our food chain, in accordance with the highest European standards.

The outcome of this public consultation will impact each and every one of us for years to come. By participating, you will be part of the transformation of our local food system’s governance and help shape the outcomes we desire at the end of this process, which touches all sectors of society.

Food is a fundamental ingredient in any place we call home. Let’s collaborate to strengthen our local food systems and build a sustainable future together.

ANTON REFALO – Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights, Qormi

King's Own BandKing's Own Band

Memorable events

The King’s Own Band of Valletta recently held a series of events to celebrate the 150 years since its formation in 1874.

As a great admirer and follower of the King’s Own Band, I cannot but mention two important performances – an oratorio, Kewkba Mbierka, by Mro John Galea, at the basilica of Our Lady of Safe Haven and St Dominic in Valletta and a major concert at the Manoel Theatre, featuring 150 years of music by the band. The concert clearly showed that the King’s Own enduring power of music can adapt to the present times, remaining relevant for years to come.

I feel very proud to have a band of the likes of the King’s Own. With regard to Kewkba Mbierka, kudos go to the director, lyricist Joe Julian Farrugia, parish priest Fr Michael Camilleri OP, whose thoughts were well chosen, the choral singers, under the direction of Mauro Farrugia, soprano Claire Caruana, tenor Angelo Muscat, baritone Louis Andrew Cassar and bass Noel Galea and above all the musicians themselves for their great performance. The grandiosity of the oratorio was singled out by the musical work of joy and beauty with a hint of heavenly atmosphere.

As his few words of sincere thanks after the oratorio’s performance showed, the band’s president, Ivan Piccinino, is very proud of the band. He praised the band’s talented musicians who, under the direction of Mro Galea, rose to the oratorio’s great expectations.

With regard to the Manoel concert, I can honestly say that its particularly challenging aspect was the adaptation of musical genres that are not usually played by bands. They were ably tackled with flying colours. A case in point was music from Pocahontas and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. One can also mention the visuals that played a crucial role in the concert.

Congratulations go to Galea, maestro of the King’s Own Band for the past 20 years and the society’s committee, including the indefatigable president who has been working untiringly for the society for more than 10 years.

Joe Borg – Valletta

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