Employees from Melita’s Commercial and Customer Experience teams recently volunteered to help children residing at Dar Sagra Familja.

The home, run by Fondazzjoni Sebħ, provides shelter to children who cannot live with their families, also offering psychological and therapeutic assistance.

Working alongside the Sisters and care workers, the employees helped to clean, declutter and redecorate rooms.

“We are pleased to see our colleagues come together to support such a worthy cause,” said Harald Roesch, CEO of Melita Ltd. “This initiative aligns with Melita’s values of encouraging teamwork and community engagement. The collaboration and dedication shown by our team highlight the positive difference we can make together.”

“The assistance provided by Melita’s team has made a substantial difference in the lives of the children and the overall environment of our home,” said Abigail Grima, home manager Dar Sagra Familja.

“The work carried out was labour intensive and particularly challenging for our Sisters, so the support received was invaluable and truly appreciated.”

The recent project at Dar Sagra Familja is part of Melita’s continuing commitment to support the community, including providing support and encouragement to employees who wish to volunteer. As part of the company’s ESG pillars, Melita provides community service leave to every employee.

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