Ghimmanu-El Għaqda Presepisti Għajnsielem recently invited Italian artist Alberto De Luca to give a presentation on the rich history and cultural significance of the Neapolitan crib at Għajnsielem parish centre. A master sculptor from Naples, De Luca specialises in creating exquisite 12-inch statuettes in traditional Neapolitan style.

De Luca captivated the audience with his intricate works particularly cherished by Nativity scene enthusiasts who, due to space constraints, are unable to display full-sized Neapolitan cribs. He highlighted the unique roles of the characters that populate these cribs and explained how each figurine holds a specific place and meaning within the crib.

Among many fascinating insights, he discussed the symbolic importance of ‘The Taverna’, representing common folk oblivious to the profound event unfolding around them – a theme central to the Neapolitan tradition.

Participants, including Maltese crib enthusiasts, were able to admire the remarkable craftsmanship and attention to detail of De Luca’s statuettes. De Luca’s display provided a unique opportunity to appreciate the artistry behind these timeless pieces and to deepen their understanding of this cherished cultural heritage.

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