Updated 8.35pm with outages in Siġġiewi, Zebbuġ.

Monday's parliamentary sitting was interrupted on Monday because of a power cut.

The outage happened during question time as PN MP Mark Anthony Sammut was asking questions to Lands Minister Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi.

The sitting was resumed after a few minutes as a generator kicked in. 

It was not immediately clear if the power cut was internal or affected the whole of Valletta but a parliamentary source said the power cut was from the outside mains supply.  A reader reported a power cut lasting a few seconds in Hamrun at the same time.

A spokesperson for Enemalta said later that there were no power outages in Valletta. However a cable fault occurred in Msida which is fed from Valletta distribution centre. A voltage disturbance may have affected the parliament's electricity network for a couple of seconds until it was stabilised to normal.

Malta suffered a nation-wide hour-long power outage earlier this month, which was blamed on maintenance work on the Maghtab switchgear of the Malta-Sicily interconnector. According to Enemalta, during testing of the switchgear, a number of distribution feeders tripped.

Outages in Zebbuġ, Siġġiewi

Readers also reported power cuts in parts of Zebbuġ, Siġġiewi on Monday evening.

A Zebbuġ resident said power was lost and returned three times before going out again at about 8.15pm. It returned shortly after.



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