The following are the stories that made the front pages on Maltes newspapers on Tuesday. 

The Times of Malta leads with a story about a police officer who is renting a cockroach-infested apartment to 16 people, with testimonies from the residents about the sub-par conditions they are currently living in. 

It separately covers a proposal by the Malta Chamber of Commerce to impose a cap on non-EU workers in Malta, as well as incentivize Maltese living abroad to return home through tax incentives. These were two of a series of proposals issued by the Chamber in their pre-budget document. 

The Malta Independent and In-Nazzjon also covered the Chamber's pre-budget document on their front pages. 

The Independent also covered a PN press conference in which PN MPs accused police commissioner Angelo Gafa of lying about murder victim Nicolette Ghirxi refusing a risk assessment and then tried to "victim blame" her. 

In-Nazzjon also reported on this press conference on its front page, leading with the PN's insistence that an independent inquiry into Ghirxi's murder be carried out. 

L-Orizzont led with an NSO half-yearly report on workplace accidents. 

It also carries a statement from the Malta Police Force denying any allegations of interference in the Vitals inquiry. 

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