The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Thursday.
Times of Malta leads with an article about how, in the heart of Malta’s nightlife district, hidden between gentlemen’s clubs, neon lights and crowds of tourists, around 40 to 50 people are sleeping rough.
It separately reports that, according to finance minister Clyde Caruana, last year the government collected €500 million more in taxes than it did the previous year, as the tax department cracked down on tax-dodging companies.
The Malta Independent similarly refers to Caruana's presentation of the pre-budget consultation document. It reports the minister said Malta’s strong economy, and decreasing deficit gave the government room to announce tax reductions without damaging fiscal policy.
The newspaper also reports on the PN's reaction to the nomination of Edward Zammit Lewis as Judge at the General Court of the European Union. The party said the nomination was a perversion of justice and unequivocal proof that Robert Abela's Government did not care about the national interest and was solely focused on serving the partisan interests of the Labour Party and its inner circle
In-Nazzjon publishes comments by PN leader Bernard Grech who on Wednesday encouraged supporters to put on a brave face as they faced the future.
The newspaper also refers to national data issued on Wednesday which it says proves that the cost of living was on the increase.
L-orizzont publishes a call by GWU's Josef Bugeja for a long-term strategic plan for the country.
It meanwhile also refers to Caruana's pre-budget proposals, saying the minister forecast the deficit to drop to 3% in two years.