Two trappers, a father and son, have been found guilty of assaulting two members of BirdLife Malta following an incident near Magħtab, according to the environmental NGO. 

BirdLife Malta criticised the police for failing to provide evidence the trappers were notified of other charges against them, leading to those charges being considered time barred, however.

In a statement Thursday, the organisation said the incident three years ago saw the trappers take part in an “unprovoked assault” on two of its members on a public road near a boatyard.

The incident, which the NGO said had been captured on video, saw the trappers “hurl abuse” and slightly injure two of the team, leading to a report being made at the Naxxar police station, it said.

The team had been reporting illegal trapping in the area, to which the police had responded, when they were “suddenly followed and attacked”.

“As the team headed back on foot towards their vehicle, two men exited the boatyard, hurling abuse and filming them. At this point, one team member began recording the incident out of concern for the team’s safety”, the NGO said.

It said one of the trappers “grabbed” one of its members to seize her phone, slightly injuring her in the process.

"The son then turned on a second team member, pushing her against a rubble wall and attempting to punch her, also causing slight injuries”, BirdLife Malta said.

The NGO said photographic evidence and medical certificates were provided to police when a report about the incident was filed.

The two trappers were found guilty of injuring the BirdLife Malta members by Magistrate Yana Micallef Stafrace, but acquitted of charges related to pushing, verbal abuse, and threats.

The latter charges were considered time barred as the police failed to provide evidence the men were notified within three months, as required by law, the statement read.

Reacting to the sentence, BirdLife Malta CEO Mark Sultana said the NGO was "well-versed with the laws and regulations, and we adhere to them.”

“The least we expect is full cooperation from the police when such incidents occur to ensure justice is served. The lack of evidence proving that the culprits were notified in time has allowed them to evade the full consequences of their unacceptable actions.”

The NGO would be writing to the Police Commissioner about the matter, he added.

BirdLife Malta thanked lawyers Stephen Tonna Lowell and Ana Thomas, who acted as parte civile in the case.

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