Recently recruited sales and letting consultants and office staff at Sara Grech have just completed intensive induction training as part of a continuous development initiative which has now become a part of the company's strategic human resources development.

The training programme was designed and partly delivered by David J. Dingli, managing consultant of Resource Productivity Consulting Services. Apart from covering company corporate values, sales skills, time management, negotiating skills and customer service, training also included a variety of speakers, including Chris Pisani, Dr Josette Cauchi, and notary public and architect Paul Camilleri.

"We are committed to developing our people into knowledgeable professionals. We owe this to them and our customers. One of the company's corporate values is specifically focused on customer service and our people. Over the years, we have developed very accurate methods of measuring two critical components of our business. The first being our customer satisfaction, which, we are proud to say, ranks extremely high, and the other is our internal corporate culture, which also demonstrates that our people are happy working here. Continuous training, especially at induction stage, is a critical catalyst to ensure that we keep building on our well recognised and respected brand image. We will not take any short-cuts to ensure that we offer our customers the very best service in the industry," chairperson Sara Grech said.

Sara Grech Ltd offers training to all its new recruits and established property consultants to ensure that the company remains at the forefront of real estate in Malta, being served by professional property consultants.

In this way, the company is guaranteeing its esteemed clientele that they can expect the best professional service and advice from knowledgeable consultants. As the company keeps expanding, Ms Grech is convinced that smart recruitment is essential to success. Sara Grech Ltd offers prospective property consultants a friendly and professional environment to work in, where hard working and motivated individuals can earn above average commissions, as well as monthly and annual bonuses.

To ensure consultants have all the tools at their disposal to reach their full potential, the company also offers a dedicated management team who do not compete for sales with consultants, strong administrative support, the largest property database in the industry and state-of-the-art technology to enable consultants to match their customers' needs to available properties.

Sara Grech guarantees all new consultants a unique working environment built on praise, respect and friendliness, which in their uniquely combined fashion build pride in the individuals working there.

"Give us a call if you're interested in working in the property industry; we'd love to talk to you and meet you," Ms Grech concluded with a smile as she just confirmed yet another enthusiastic property consultant starting work shortly.

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