Updated at 7.15pm - ferry now working regularly

Gozo Channel had to cancel a number of trips today, due to bad weather, readers complained.

By 7.15pm, the ferry was working regularly.

According to the Meteoroligical Office today, the wind was light northerly becoming light to moderate northeasterly.

One reader waiting for the boat at Ċirkewwa complained there was a lot of confusion.

The lanes were full of cars with the queues spilling onto the road.

He said that while some officials told people the ferry could not work because of the currents, others were saying that only one ferry was able to work in this weather.

Other employees said the ferries were unable to dock.

The reader said that the only ferry that was apparently working, left Ċirkewwa at around 6pm.

The company said at 7.15pm that the ferry was now working regularly.



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