Today's front pages - November 30, 2023

Highlights from Thursday's newspapers

November 30, 2023| Times of Malta |01 min read
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The following are the main stories in Thursday’s newspapers.

Times of Malta says the Attorney General has decided that three young men accused of hijacking an oil tanker when they were 15, 16 and 19 years old are to go on trial to face terrorism charges.

In another story, the newspaper says the chief justice has turned down a request for the revocation of a controversial permit granted to Foreign Minister Ian Borg to build his residence in Santa Katerina valley, on the outskirts of Rabat, dismissing claims that the planning review tribunal had misinterpreted the law.

The Malta Independent quotes Prime Minister Robert Abela saying that all MPs should work the hours they are paid for. The Prime Minister was being asked about Rosianne Cutajar.

In-Nazzjon asks what will Abela be doing faced with the AG's report on Cutajar.

L-Orizzont asks if the COP28 will be another failed summit.

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