We have had considerable lengthy debate and criticism regarding garbage in our islands and our inability to keep trash off the streets. One of the main polluters in evidence everywhere in Malta are plastic water bottles. Perhaps the following facts relating to the use - or misuse - of bottled water will draw our attention to what this marketing con is doing to our planet and our islands.
The realisation that bottled water is seldom of higher quality than tap water has caused a major shift in public opinion.
Consumers typically buy bottled water under the misconception that it is safer, purer or healthier than tap water. Bottled water companies have spent billions to manipulate consumers into believing that bottled water is safer or healthier than tap water. Now in many countries the public is talking back and asking some very tough questions:
Is bottled water really better quality than tap?
Do plastic water bottles leach harmful chemicals?
Is the cost and convenience of bottled water just a waste of time and money?
Do you know that bottled water is a leading source of plastic pollution around the world?
Are you aware that most studies show bottled water quality to be the same or lower than that of tap water?
Are home water filters a better option and which one is best?
The facts are clear: All plastic bottles leach synthetic chemicals into water, some more than others. Even the popular refillable polycarbonate water bottles are known to release BPA (Bisphenol A) into the water. The best and healthiest solution is a quality home water filter and refillable glass water bottles.
Hundreds of recent reports reveal that bottled water quality is grossly overrated. In the USA even the federal agency that regulates bottled water quality, the FDA, says "No" to bottled water. Quote: "Companies that market bottled water as being safer than tap water are defrauding the American public."
With a home water filter, you get better quality than bottled water, pure and natural taste, the convenience of tap water and all for less than one-tenth the cost of bottled water... and no plastic bottle pollution!
Bottled water's environmental impact:
60 million plastic bottles a day are disposed of in America alone!
Massive amounts of greenhouse gases are produced from manufacturing the plastic bottles.
Millions of gallons of fuel are wasted daily transporting filtered tap water around the world.
It requires three times as much water to make the bottle as it does to fill it... it is an exceptionally wasteful industry.
Eight out of 10 plastic water bottles become landfill waste.
Plastic bottles take 700 years before they begin to decompose in a landfill.
Maltese consumers and retailers should consider the above facts before they sell or buy their next plastic bottle of water.