When Martin Grech (Company Secretary of Malta Dairy Products) posted an online comment on David De Marco's letter (Support Local Industry, March 12), he gave us a detailed eight-lined comment on the nutritional percentages of the product.
However, he left out some salient information on the reduction of the 568ml skimmed carton to 500ml, without a price reduction. He also refrained from commenting on my contribution (Cartons Redesigned But Not Improved, March 10).
In a letter sharing my ideas (Defective Milk Cartons, March 19), Emily Barbaro Sant clearly brings out the point that whenever a carton is defective, one has to fidget with one's finger to open it, something which is far from hygienic! It's an important factor that MDP are missing. But the funniest thing about this issue is that Mr De Marco thinks this is not constructive criticism and it is all a load of rubbish. Perhaps MDP and Mr De Marco can give us the proper instructions on how to open the cartons; maybe it's Ms Barbaro Sant and I who are doing something wrong!