The Jesuit college became a point of reference for solid education
Each of his 11 masterpieces have been demolished or defiled beyond recognition
French and Eastern European performers flourished in Malta between the two world wars
These throw-away programmes are a rare mine of information on popular musical genres at the turn of the 20th century
Trials attracted morbid curiosity and macabre pageantry
As war broke out, so did things like gonorrhea and other venereal diseases
Tunnels, embankments, bridges, cuttings and stations survive to this day in varying degrees of disrepair
Some haunts hosted the gay scene, others might have attracted the Drugs Squad’s curiosity, but never did
Swiss professor Leo August Wehrli’s 31-page pamphlet provides a detailed descriptive time capsule of Malta nearly a century ago.
The train service in Malta used to stop at sunset due to fear that ghosts haunted the island at nighttime
The most vocal cartoons came from Floriana supporters, to mock, humiliate, and insult their traditional adversaries, Sliema Wanderers
How the National Archives is safeguarding Times of Malta's collection of physical images
Many establishments printed gaudy technicolour publicity postcards
Descendant of long line of naval ancestors recounts childhood years on the island
Tower Road could rightly be considered emblematic of Malta’s microhistory
Even in peacetime, our islands have witnessed recurrent aircraft accidents and often human tragedies
VIPs’ ceremonies still vary quite considerably, though the script remains much the same as a hundred years ago
Solemn, theatrical rituals reserved for members of the armed forces who passed away or were killed in the line of duty
Malta actually claimed world records in water sports in the 1920s
Photos of the Regia Aeronautica and the Luftwaffe’s wartime activity over Malta were censored
Best known for his extraordinary collection of old Maltese maps, Albert Ganado looks back at his wartime close shaves, truncated political career and how his love for Maltese history began
Places of worship represent major exploits of Malta’s architectural splendour
There was a time when Leopoldo Fregoli was a household name
Some visited the island as guests for pleasure, others as exiles after being dethroned
It was a time when practically all building tasks were undertaken by hand
These may be the final years for Emmanuel Studio, a time capsule of the area’s rich cultural heritage
Musical bands began flourishing and competing against each another only midway in the 19th century
Dogs assert their presence equally with both British and Maltese
Dogs, monkeys and lemurs - but not a single cat
Cars in Malta started quite early but very sparsely too
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