Government drafting law on cohabitation

The government is drawing up a Bill to regulate cohabitation, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said today. He said such legislation was promised by the Nationalist Party in the 1998 electoral programme. It was hoped that the Bill would be competed by the...

March 28, 2010| Times of Malta 1 min read
Times of MaltaTimes of Malta

The government is drawing up a Bill to regulate cohabitation, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said today.

He said such legislation was promised by the Nationalist Party in the 1998 electoral programme. It was hoped that the Bill would be competed by the end of the year.

Dr Gonzi said that the new law, once it was enacted, would define the responsibilities of the cohabiting partners and seek to avoid abuses.

The Prime Minister made his comments during a political conference in Senglea. He did not give further details.

The PN had promised a law to give cohabiting partners legal rights as well as responsibilities, but no progress was made in the 1998 legislature.

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