Xagħra in Gozo is renowned for the big number of cribs put on show during Christmastide. This year, 43 static and mechanical cribs are on display in houses and other places around the village as part of a vast programme of activities organised by the Xagħra Christmas Group.

During the year, the group organises various activities including seminars about crib-making and competitions for the best crib and outdoor festive decorations. 

At Xagħra parish church one finds four cribs of various styles and materials along the side altars. These are built by the numerous village crib enthusiasts. One of the cribs is by Fabio Azzopardi. It is made out of the bark of trees. Elvin Borg and Manuel Micallef are exhibiting cribs built out of clay and rustic stone, while Francesco Bonello’s crib is made out of expanding foam and plaster. Also on show is a crib built by church volunteers. It takes the whole space of a side chapel.

Meanwhile, La Cavalcata dei Re Magi (the arrival of the Magi) will be re-enacted on Sunday, the feast of the Epiphany, at Victory Square in front of the basilica of the Nativity of Our Lady, Xagħra, at 10.30am.

During the event, a couple depicting Mary and Joseph carrying Baby Jesus will make their way to the basilica parvis, accompanied by shepherds. After a while, the Three Wise Men will arrive on horseback from different directions and converge on the square, carrying the three presents – gold, incense and myrrh. The re-enactment is being organised by the Għaqda Il-Milied fix-Xagħra.

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