As we celebrate World Maritime Day, it is vital to reflect on the key role the maritime sector plays in Malta’s economy and the potential it holds.

Contributing significantly through shipping, ship registration and port operations, this sector is integral to Malta’s growth. However, despite its promise, the sector has often operated without a clear, unified vision for future development.

Malta’s maritime industry finds itself at a crossroads. The global maritime landscape is rapidly evolving, with challenges in shipping safety, maritime security and environmental sustainability and Malta must be proactive in facing these head-on. Now, more than ever, there is a need for a holistic maritime strategy to ensure Malta remains a global leader and maximises its full potential.

As the shadow minister for maritime affairs, I have had the opportunity to engage with the passionate stakeholders that make up this industry. Their dedication is inspiring, yet, the conversations we have had make it evident that Malta needs strategic direction to capitalise on the opportunities ahead.

The Nationalist Party  recognises the vital role the maritime sector plays and, in our manifesto, we have committed to creating a dedicated ministry for maritime affairs, as is befitting an island that holds such a strategic position in the shipping industry. This pledge reflects our belief in the sector’s potential and the importance of placing it at the forefront of Malta’s national agenda.

At the heart of our vision is the need for an immediate, holistic strategy, underpinned by socio-economic studies. We must understand how each maritime pillar – shipping, yachting, bunkering, port operations and others – interacts and supports the overall growth of the sector. Without this understanding, we risk missing out on significant opportunities for sustainable growth and long-term investment.

Our proposals for the maritime sector are ambitious yet essential. One of our cornerstone ideas is the creation of an Independent Maritime Authority. By separating maritime affairs from Transport Malta, we can ensure the sector receives the dedicated resources and attention it needs. This new authority will streamline operations, enhance regulation and ensure Malta’s maritime policies are forward-looking and efficient.

Malta’s flag registration system is among the largest in the world, a point of pride that must be safeguarded and strengthened. While the yachting sector has grown considerably, there is still significant room for improvement in offshore infrastructure and the services offered to yacht owners.

We will ensure that Malta maintains its leadership position in flag registration by focusing on yacht registrations while also improving the shipping industry.

It’s crucial that we do not lose sight of the shipping sector, which continues to be the backbone of the maritime industry. Sustainability and compliance will be key areas where Malta can stand out in the global marketplace.

The Nationalist Party is committed to future-proofing Malta’s maritime sector by investing in maritime education and training. The future of Malta’s maritime sector lies in having a skilled workforce equipped to tackle modern challenges, such as digitalisation and the shift towards cleaner fuels.

It’s crucial that we do not lose sight of the shipping sector, which continues to be the backbone of the maritime industry- Ivan Castillo

By supporting local maritime academies and providing scholarships, we will ensure Malta has the talent to remain competitive in a global market increasingly focused on green shipping technologies and AI-driven logistics solutions.

The transition to sustainable fuels is essential for the maritime industry’s future, both globally and in Malta. A Nationalist government envisions offshore bunkering platforms that will initially provide LNG, with a long-term focus on transitioning to cleaner sustainable fuels like hydrogen and biofuels. These investments will not only ensure that Malta keeps up with global decarbonisation efforts but will also make us a key provider of sustainable maritime fuel solutions in the Mediterranean.

As we look to the future, we cannot ignore the importance of EU representation. Malta must have a strong voice in the European Union to ensure our maritime interests are represented and protected.

Whether it’s in regulatory discussions or funding initiatives, Malta needs to be at the forefront, shaping policies that impact our shipping, yachting and port operations. We cannot afford to make the mistakes of the past by failing to assert our national interests on the European stage.

Our maritime strategy is built on the belief that Malta’s maritime sector has untapped potential, which, if harnessed correctly, can make a more significant contribution to our GDP. Through public-private partnerships, investment in R&D and a forward-thinking regulatory framework, Malta can lead in areas like marine innovation, eco-friendly ship designs and digitalised port systems. The PN is committed to creating an environmentally and economically sustainable future for Malta’s maritime industry.

On the occasion of World Maritime Day, I would like to thank all stakeholders, seamen and professionals. We celebrate your achievements and accomplishments in Malta’s maritime sector but we also recognise the work that lies ahead.

With a clear, comprehensive vision, Malta can be at the forefront of maritime innovation and sustainability and that is where it belongs.

The PN is ready to lead this sector into the future, ensuring its growth and success for generations to come.

Ivan Castillo PN MP, is shadow minister for maritime affairs, social dialogue  and the fight against the cost of living.

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