In Maltese we have a saying, L-ispiżjar milli jkollu jtik. There is an obscener version that applies perfectly to Brian Scicluna and the corrupt Labour Party he wholeheartedly supports.

In his article ‘An obscene way of doing politics’ (January 9), Scicluna says he has never met Bernard Grech, yet accuses him of being unable “to put his foot down to the extremist faction”, which, he claims, exists within the PN.

It would almost be funny if it weren’t so tragic. Labour is obsessed with a non-existent ‘extremist’ PN faction while failing to see the beam in their party’s own eye.

In April 2018, the PN submitted a court application requesting a magisterial inquiry related to alleged money laundering by a company known as 17 Black and by a company associated with the LNG tanker, which Joseph Muscat’s Labour government had proudly claimed would solve Malta’s energy crisis.

The evidence showed dirty money from 17 Black was to flow to Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri to the tune of €150,000 every month. The court application was filed by Jason Azzopardi. Box files with evidence were presented. The Labour Party made fun of Simon Busuttil and the PN, claiming the “pizza boxes were empty”.

The court not only upheld the PN’s evidence but, now, almost seven years later, we know that the inquiry has been concluded and the magistrate reportedly found there is enough evidence for charges to be brought against several people, including Schembri, the former chief of staff at the office of the prime minister, and Mizzi, the former Labour star candidate and energy minister.

The PN wants the inquiry to be published and action to be taken. Prime Minister and Labour leader Robert Abela says there are no Labourites involved, almost giving the impression that wrongdoing was committed by the PN.

The prime minister has the cheek to say that the inquiries that have been requested by the PN and by civil society are “vindictive”. But the truth is, however, that, so far, all the requests for inquiries have been upheld. If anyone is afraid of putting his foot down in politics, it is Abela. How can one explain that a minister whose girlfriend was given a fake consultancy job was made to resign but the minister who gave her the job, Clint Camilleri, retains his post and is publicly supported by Abela?

Scicluna criticises the campaigns for good governance by the PN, yet, he finds no time to at least comment about the splurging of public funds as if there is no tomorrow, as if it is not the Maltese taxpayers who have to pay all of this.

Camilleri has been criticised by the auditor general due to a road in Nadur that cost €10.5 million over budget, with no idea where those €10.5 million went. Surely not in Grech’s pockets!

Labour is obsessed with a non-existent ‘extremist’ PN faction- Nathaniel Attard

How can one explain how a minister resigns, or is made to resign twice, but now earns €15,000 a month through different consultancies for the government, in addition to the €30,000 golden handshake given to cabinet members who lose their post.

Abela is there for himself and his friends. Ryan Pace, a young and inexperienced lawyer who manages Abela’s private legal office, has been given 11 different government retainers since Abela took office.

These decisions show Abela for what he is. He goes away on his yacht during crises while sick people must spend hours on end at the emergency department in hospital, waiting to be seen by a doctor, thanks to Abela’s lack of investment.

The issue is not just about whether a prime minister should spend €5,000 per night at one of Paris’s finest five-star hotels just to see the Olympics but, rather, about how the country is being steered into a dangerous abyss, taken over by greed and corruption.

Yet, MCAST lecturers are still without their collective agreement, and the number of homeless people increases, and more and more keep going to soup kitchens.

Contrast this bleak state with the PN’s vision. Grech has been stressing the importance of a forward-thinking economic strategy, where everyone has the opportunity to progress and to enjoy the well-being that they deserve.

Grech has been advocating good governance and meritocracy, where people move forward and acquire a position based on their skills and qualifications. 

The country needs to change economic direction and the PN’s economic vision of excellence can do this because it shifts the focus from quantity to quality.

The pillars on which the PN’s political vision rests are environmental protection, social responsibility, good governance and economic prosperity.

These pillars reflect Grech’s and the PN’s commitment to proactive governance, meritocracy, environmental stewardship and a quality-focused economic model for Malta’s future where people will truly come first.

Labour cannot offer any solutions to the problems it created.

Labour is only interested in fattening their pockets and living off our backs.

Nathaniel Attard is the PN director of communications and spokesperson for the Leader of the Opposition.

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