Announcements − April 30, 2023

Today’s social and personal listings

April 30, 2023| Times of Malta 3 min read
Image: Times of MaltaImage: Times of Malta


CAMILLERI. On April 27, FRANCIS of Birkirkara went to meet the Risen Lord at the age of 80. Remembered and cherished by his wife Joyce, his children Steven and his wife Emmanuelle, Alex and his wife Irene, Andrew and his wife Anita, his grandchildren Lola, Nuno, Kyle, Yana, other relatives and friends.

A celebration of his life will be held on Tuesday, May 2, at 9am at the old parish church of Santa Maria, Birkirkara, followed by the interment in the family grave at Żabbar cemetery.

Lord, grant him eternal rest.

MICALLEF. ROSE, aged 68, who went to meet the Risen Lord on April 29, comforted by the rites of Holy Church. Fondly remembered by her husband Notary Bartolomeo, her children Kristian and his wife Alison, Annalise and her husband Jean-Pierre, Tiziana, Andrea and his wife Nathania, her grandchildren Ben, Andrew and Karl, her brothers Joe and Louis, her sister Marianne and their respective families, her brother in-law Anthony and his family, Stephen widower of her husband’s sister Tessie, Eddie widower of her husband’s sister Mary, nephews, nieces, cousins, other relatives and friends.

The funeral cortège leaves Mater Dei Hospital tomorrow, Monday, May 1, at 8.30am for St Mary parish church, Attard, where Mass praesente cadavere will be celebrated at 9am, followed by interment in the family grave at Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery.

Lord, grant her eternal rest.


FENECH – HETTIE, née Russell. Lovingly remembered on the 48th anniversary of her passing to eternal life. Miriam, Shirley and family. 

MALLIA. Fond and everlasting memories of our dearly beloved MARIKA, a wonderful wife, mother and grandmother, on her 12th anniversary. We thank God for all the love and happiness we shared. Lord, grant her eternal rest. Carmel, Patricia and Mary.

MALLIA. Remembering with love and affection our dearest MARIKA, a much cherished sister and aunt. Angela, Joseph, Suzanne, Lisa, David and their families.

PIZZUTO. In loving memory of ANTON on the second anniversary of his demise. Greatly missed by Monica, Konrad and Ruth, Katya and Mark, Angele and Luke, and grandchildren. Lord, grant him eternal rest.

STUHRENBERG. Remembering dear HILLEVI, especially today the first anniversary of her passing. Antoinette, Matthew and Elaine. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

VON BROCKDORFF – BERNARD. Treasured and unfading memories of a loving father and grandfather on the seventh anniversary of his demise. Remembered with love and deeply missed by his children David, Vanessa, Nicholas, Alina and his grandchildren Michael and Nicola, Sascha and Adam. May the Lord grant him eternal rest.

XUEREB – MARYANNE. In loving memory of a very dear sister and aunt, sadly missed and always loved, today the eighth anniversary of her passing to eternal life. Forever in our hearts and prayers. Louise, Dennis, her nephews and nieces and their families. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

ZAHRA. In everlasting memory of our father ANTHONY, today the 69th anniversary of his passing away. Always remembered by Winston, Tony and Bella, Antoinette, widow of George, and their families.

ZAMMIT ENDRICH. Cherished memories of our beloved CHARLES and IRIS on the anniversaries of their demise. Their children, spouses, grandchildren, other relatives and friends. Please remember them in your prayers.

In loving memory of JOE XUEREB on the ninth anniversary of his death, April 27, 2014. Fondly remembered and greatly missed by his wife Sylvia, his only son Robert and his wife Mariosa, his granddaughters Sara, Rachel and Hannah, and his sister-in-law Carmen Grech Cremona. Lord, grant him eternal rest

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