In Memoriam

ZAMMIT. In loving memory of HUGH, a beloved husband and father, on the 15th anniversary of his passing away. Forever remembered by Monica and Peter.

Treasured memories of a dearly beloved mother and grandmother CARMELINA MUSCAT TERRIBILE today being the eighth anniversary of her demise. We miss you more than ever Mum and we shall never forget you. Your son Raymond and his wife Sandra, your granddaughters Corine and Nicolette and great-grandchildren Rayden and Valentina. Rest in peace and farewell till me meet again.

MONICA ATTARD. Nicky and Knut Eirik Hesla, Chris and Karen Mintoff, Denise and Edward McGrath, Paul and Angela Attard and Adrian Borg Cardona wish to thank Fr Savio Vella who celebrated Mass and all those who attended the funeral Mass or sent their condolences on the death of a dearest mother, sister and partner. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail

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