Dar San Ġużepp, a new home for the elderly in Għajnsielem, Gozo, will welcome its first residents in March, the Gozo ministry said on Tuesday.

"We kept our word in the past five months and works will be completed so that the home can become operational. Applications for Gozitans wishing to live at the home will open in the coming days," Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri was quoted in a government statement as saying during a visit.

The project goes back to 2013 when the government rented the Church property. The project was granted a development permit in 2014 and works on the conversion began in early 2015.

The project suffered repeated delays, with more than €1 million being spent on rent. A year ago a court upheld a decision for CareMalta to be awarded a €30 million government contract to equip and manage the home. 

The house will eventually house 120 residents in en suite homes over four floors enjoying sea and country views.   


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