Better pay for correctional officers in new collective agreement

Officers to receive a €5,000 raise

March 17, 2025| Times of Malta 1 min read
Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri with prison officials and union representatives during the signing of the collective agreements. Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri with prison officials and union representatives during the signing of the collective agreements.

Some 400 correctional officers have been given a raise of at least €5,000 in terms of a new collective agreement for the Correctional Services Agency, signed on Monday. 

The agreement will cost €33 million over five years.

The Home Affairs Ministry said the agreement also features improved working conditions including an improved active duty allowance and shift allowance and betterovertime. 

The ministry recalled that it was under this government that prison officers were given the right to join a trade union and negotiate a collective agreement.

The ministry said a collective agreement was also signed, for the first time, to cover the administrative workers of the Correctional Services Agency, which also improved their pay and working conditions. 

 Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri praised the new agreements and praised the workers for being at the heart of a reform for a better correctional service. 

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