CareMalta Group has raised a total of €6,200 in its annual fundraising initiative in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund (MCCF).

This effort saw enthusiastic participation from employees, residents and their relatives across all CareMalta Group-managed facilities. The initiative also extended to the CareMalta Group Head Office, where staff and management organised various activities to contribute to the cause.

The funds were presented to President Myriam Spiteri Debono by Vassallo Group CEO Pio Vassallo, alongside representatives from CareMalta Group’s operations team and the facility management team of Casa San Paolo.

This is the second consecutive year that CareMalta Group has taken on this initiative. The idea was first proposed by the late Mario Meli, a renowned veteran sports journalist and resident at Casa San Paolo, who passed away last November. Meli’s vision and dedication to community support have left a lasting legacy, inspiring CareMalta Group to continue this tradition.

Vassallo Group CEO Pio Vassallo expressed his gratitude for the collective efforts and explained how this initiative embodies the values of compassion and solidarity that are at the heart of CareMalta Group’s mission.

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