A person who failed to complete last year’s Caritas Run for Life due to substance abuse was inspired to give up drugs in order to be healthy enough to complete this year’s run.

Caritas Malta director Anthony Gatt revealed that the charity’s annual running event had inspired people to lead healthier lifestyles and incorporate sports as part of their life.

Last year Caritas Malta helped 896 people with drug-related issues, up from 800 the previous year.

Speaking at a press conference on Wednesday announcing the third edition of Run for Life which will take place on March 2, Gatt said that last year one person had tried to run the 5km route but couldn’t finish it because substance abuse had affected their health.

“That day this person took the decision to seek help from Caritas so that this year they could be healthy enough to complete the run,” Gatt said.

Another person who completed the walking route at last year’s event had enjoyed it so much that they decided to adopt walking as part of their daily routine.

The event is part of a prevention campaign to inspire people to live a health life away from drugs. Gatt added this was also an opportunity for Caritas to raise much needed funds to continue providing its services which are all offered free of charge.

Run for Life is part of Athletics Malta and attracts hundreds of participants every year who opt to either run 10km or 5km, or walk 4km. Children can sign up for a 2.5km run. The circular route starts and ends at San Blas Therapeutic Community.

St Patrick’s Athletic Club president Ray Spiteri said no other running club offers running events on this route. As the event will be taking place on carnival weekend, participants could run in costume if they wish.

Registrations close on 26 February.

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