The National Philharmonic Orchestra will be performing at Girgenti Palace on the evening of Wednesday July 12 in an event to raise funds for animal welfare groups.

‘A Night at the Palace’ will be making a return after an interruption caused by the COVID crisis.

The activity was launched by the prime minister's wife, Lydia Abela, who explained that the event, starting at 8.30pm, is free of charge and open to all, but donations will be sought for the animal charities. 

Tickets may be picked up from the Auberge de Castille (St Paul Street entrance) this Wednesday and Thursday between 9am and noon.

The acting head of the orchestra, Chris Muscat, said a varied programme is on the cards, including works by Maltese composers and tributes to Oreste Kirkop on the centenary of his birth and composer Paolino Vassallo on the centenary of his death.


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