Fondazzjoni Paulus, with the support of APS Bank, the ministry for inclusion and the voluntary sector, the Social Causes Fund, Rabat local council, the Wignacourt Museum, The Plaza, and the Janatha Stubbs Foundation, has organised a number of cultural activities as part of the annual Agape Festival.

Today’s programme is as follows:

9am: Solemn mass at the Basilica of St Paul to celebrate the feast of St Paul’s Shipwreck.

9am: Opening of stalls in Rabat’s parish square selling Maltese handicrafts.  These will remain open until 1pm. Simultaneously, the St Catald Catacombs near the parish square will be open to the public.

9.45am: Following prayers at the Grotto of St Paul, Fondazzjoni Paulus will launch the International Pauline Network.  This will be followed by a band march by Birżebbuġa’s Għaqda Mużikali San Pietru fil-Ktajjen.

10am: Discussion session with artist John Scerri at the Wignacourt Museum, whose works are on display at the same museum as part of the Agape Festival.

10.30am: Discussion with the Visual Non-Visual Network group in the parish square.

11.25am: Guided tour of the Basilica of St Paul, the Grotto of St Paul and the Wignacourt Museum.

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