Online shopping has become a convenient and popular option for consumers worldwide. However, it has also created opportunities for scammers to exploit unsuspecting consumers. Even with a strong legal framework in place, consumers can still fall victim to scams. The following are some tips to help consumers identify and avoid online scams.

The very first thing consumers need to do before proceeding with a purchase is to verify the website’s legitimacy. This can be done by looking for a secure URL that begins with https:// rather than just http://. The ‘s’ stands for secure, indicating that the website encrypts data. This is crucial protection when entering payment details on a webpage.

Additionally, look for the seller’s contact information. A reliable website will provide the trader’s name and contact information, including a physical address and customer service phone number. Consumers should be wary of websites that provide little or restricted information, such as just an e-mail address or a contact form.

Another way of verifying a website’s legitimacy is through consumer reviews. When evaluating sellers based on online reviews, it is best to use third-party review sites, as comments on the seller’s own site might be biased. When reading these reviews, consumers should pay attention to remarks about the quality of the products, whether they matched the online description, and any issues with delivery.

Be cautious of websites that pressure to buy quickly by claiming limited stock or time-sensitive offers

Additionally, conducting a quick search on websites such as, trust pilot and can help determine if a suspicious website is trustworthy.

Another crucial aspect of online safety is the payment method. Before finalising an online purchase, consumers should ensure that the seller offers a secure and reliable option. Credit cards and secure payment platforms provide an extra layer of protection, whereas bank transfers are generally less secure and should be avoided. After completing the payment, it is important to review credit card statements to check for unauthorised transactions.

Another red flag are ‘too good to be true’ offers. Occasionally, while browsing online, consumers may encounter deals that seem irresistible. However, it is very unlikely that high-quality branded products are genuinely offered at significantly discounted prices.

Consumers should also be cautious of websites that pressure them to buy quickly by claiming limited stock or time-sensitive offers.

Free gift offers may also be connected to a scam. While browsing the internet, pop-up windows might appear, asking consumers to click and claim a prize. Clicking on these often leads to requests for personal information or account details, or instructions to call a specific number to claim the gift. What consumers may not realise is that these calls are typically costly, and falling for such scams can result in spending money on an expensive call without ever receiving the promised prize.

A fraudulent website can sometimes be identified by examining the quality of its language. Websites with numerous grammatical and spelling errors may have been quickly constructed, which can be a red flag for potential scams. Legitimate websites typically invest in quality control to ensure their content is professional and error-free.

Consumers can protect themselves from scams by safeguarding their personal information. Scammers often use phishing techniques to obtain sensitive details such as bank account and credit card numbers, usernames, and passwords. Sharing this information can lead to financial theft from bank accounts or unauthorised charges on credit cards. Additionally, it puts consumers at risk of identity theft.

Phishing can also occur through e-mails that appear to be from a bank or credit card company, requesting consumers to update their personal information. Any request for confidential financial details should immediately raise a red flag, as banks would never ask for such information in this manner. If an e-mail seems authentic, consumers should contact their bank directly to verify the request.

Scammers constantly devise new tactics, making it crucial for consumers to stay informed about common scams. Consumers should trust their instincts when something does not feel right, and if unsure about a website or seller, it is better to err on the side of caution.

Online shopping provides various advantages to consumers, but to really benefit from this incredible shopping tool, it is essential for consumers to stay vigilant to protect themselves from scams. By verifying the legitimacy of websites, using secure payment methods and protecting their personal information, consumers can enjoy a safer online shopping experience.

Odette Vella is director, Information and Research Directorate, MCCAA.

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