Free flowing drinking water at a fraction of the cost

Aquafilter Home Water Systems are a more cost-effective and sustainable alternative to bottled water and all other water filtration systems on the market including Reverse Osmosis

January 26, 20232 min read

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Households using Aquafilter’s system spend up to 10 times less on drinking water every year while also generating less plastic waste.Households using Aquafilter’s system spend up to 10 times less on drinking water every year while also generating less plastic waste.

A water filtration system is an essential component of any modern-day kitchen and a feature few would want to live without. 

Not only does it offer the prospect of fresh drinking water whenever it is needed, but it does away with the primitive back-breaking practice of regularly lugging bottles of water in and out of the house.

Several home water filtration systems exist but none do the job like Aquafilter’s system, which delivers fresh drinking water directly to your kitchen at the mere 1c per litre. 

It removes sediment, rust, chlorine, chlorine by-products and organics from water through an accurate combination of fine filtration, and activated carbon with special media treatments to ensure a constant supply of fresh safe drinking water. 

Households using Aquafilter’s system spend up to 10 times less on drinking water every year while also generating less plastic waste. The system is considerably cheaper to buy than a reverse osmosis system and doesn’t require unsightly and damaging faucet add-ons like other water filters. 

Unlike reverse osmosis systems, an Acquafilter system doesn’t use electricity and the fact that it has fewer moving parts and points of failure means the system is much less likely to require repairs. 

It can also be maintained at minimal cost and effort when compared to other available systems. Aquafilter system filters last for well over six months (for a family of four in Malta) and are cheaper to replace than those of other systems. 

While kitchen water filtration systems have become the norm, retrofitting one into an old kitchen can be challenging. 

Aquafilter systems do not require the installation of a drain point or an electrical supply point under the kitchen and, most importantly, they are simple to install and maintain without the need for a qualified technician. 

In fact, it comes as DIY kit that doesn’t require the use of any tools and which will have you up and running within 15 minutes. Aquafilter systems have been designed with kitchen space limitations in mind and are small enough to fit under most kitchen sinks while leaving ample space for storage. 

Given the option, nobody in their right mind would live without free-flowing drinking water in their kitchen. 

At a cost of only €75, including DIY installation tools, Aquafilter systems give every household that option. 

For more information and expert guidance contact an Aquafilter systems representative on 7926 1562. The Aquafilter drinking water system can be bought from Zahra Enterprises Ltd. in Attard. 

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