Happy School holds traditional feast

The students wore their festive gear and carried miniature statues

June 25, 2024| Times of Malta 1 min read
Victoria primary school students participating in Festa Day. Photos: Charles SpiteriVictoria primary school students participating in Festa Day. Photos: Charles Spiteri

The Happy School team of Victoria primary school has once again joined forces in organising the annual Festa Day. The celebration was considered a great success, and the school was beautifully decorated thanks to the joint effort of the Għaqda Armar Santa Marija and the Għaqda Armar San Ġorġ Martri ‒ Belt Victoria.

The day was characterised by vibrant colours, flags and the cheerful sound of band marches.

Students arrived at the school yard dressed in their festive gear, carrying miniature statues of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, St George and Santa Marija, symbolically uniting the feasts of Fontana and Victoria.

The atmosphere was filled with excitement as confetti showered down on students and cheesecakes (pastizzi) were served to all participants.

The grand finale was a confetti show, perfectly synchronised to music.

The day was especially significant as it marked the last celebration at the Vajrinġa school. Next scholastic year, the school will move to new premises, where more events will be held.

The children enjoying the festive atmosphere.The children enjoying the festive atmosphere.

The school administration said: “This special activity managed to bring together all students despite the fact that they hail from different parishes. There should be no rivalry or division but unity. We can disagree on a number of issues, including village feasts, but these should never infringe upon friendship, tolerance and acceptance of others.”

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