IĠM condemns Chris Cardona's 'irresponsible' criticism of court journalists

Former minister takes to Facebook to accuse journalists of misreporting him

August 23, 2024| Times of Malta 1 min read
Chris Cardona served as minister between 2013 and 2020. Times of Malta file photoChris Cardona served as minister between 2013 and 2020. Times of Malta file photo

The Institute of Journalists slammed former minister Chris Cardona's "irresponsible comments" criticising reporters who covered his testimony in court on Wednesday.

On the day, Cardona told court he had not read a Memorandum of Understanding with Vitals Global Healthcare before signing it in 2014.

In his testimony, Cardona said he signed the MOU and others like it because he was “told to do so”.

Following the sitting, Cardona - who served as minister between 2013 and 2020 - singled out reports published by Times of Malta and Malta Today for criticism.

Other reports of the sitting published by Newsbook and The Malta Independent also reported Cardona speaking similarly under oath.

Times of Malta stands by its reporting.

During a different hearing on Thursday, Cardona claimed his testimony had been misreported, and that he did read the document before signing.

On Friday, the Institute of Maltese Journalists (IĠM) expressed solidarity with the court journalists, condemning his "irresponsible" Facebook comments in which he accused court reporters of maliciously misrepresenting his testimony.

"The news reports reflected his testimony and as a former politician, he should know better than sounding the dog whistle to instigate hate against journalists.

"The IĠM expresses solidarity with court reporters who have the unenviable job of informing people on what happens inside our courts."

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