The Institute of Maltese Journalists (IĠM) has taken over the presidency of the European Federation of Press Clubs (EFPC), the body announced on Friday. 

This marks the first time the IĠM has ever presided over a European journalism body in its 35-year history. 

A handover ceremony of the presidency, which was previously held by the Galician International Press Centre, was held during the EFPC annual general meeting, which is currently being hosted by the IĠM in Malta. 

A delegation of representatives from 14 different European press clubs attended the meeting. 

The delegation paid a courtesy visit to President of Malta Myriam Spiteri Debono at San Anton Palace on Friday morning, during which the importance of journalism was discussed. 

The IĠM said that Malta was proposed as the federation's new presidency during its last meeting in Santiago de Compostela, in a show of support for the IĠM's work to improve press freedom in Malta in the aftermath of the assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. 

“It is a great honour that Malta was chosen as the seat of the EFPC. It is also a prestigious occasion for the IĠM which is presiding over a European journalism body for the first time ever. It fills us with great determination to continue pushing for changes in the local media landscape and for more respect towards journalists and the profession,” said IGM and EFPC President Matthew Xuereb.   

The EFPC annual general meeting was held at the newly inaugurated Drawing Room at Attard and Co’s head office in Marsa which boasts a collection of old Maltese newspapers dating to the beginning of the 1900s. The AGM was held with the support of VisitMalta, eCabs and Attard and Co. 

The EFPC was established in 1989 by the Press Club de France to foster dialogue, collaboration and experience exchange between press clubs and international journalism associations and to defend media freedom.

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