An ‘international’ group of worshippers recently paid a visit to Ta’ Pinu sanctuary to pray and attend mass.

The group was led by Donata Rodrigo, a Carmelite missionary sister of St Therese of the Child Jesus. 

Sr Rodrigo, who is responsible for the group, says it is ‘international’ because most of its members are from different countries and include Chinese, Brazilians and Afro-Filipinos. They all live and work in Malta.

After mass, celebrated by Fr Alex Refalo, the group of around 50 visited Dwejra, Xwejni, Xlendi, the cathedral in Victoria and a sisters’ convent in Kerċem.

Sr Rodrigo said the group’s visit to Ta’ Pinu was held purposely for its members who wished to pray to Our Lady to receive graces and whatever their hearts desired.

“Through Our Lady’s intercession their requests will be granted according to God’s will,” Sr Rodrigo said.

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