No rain and notably higher-than-average temperatures left fields parched throughout July.

The average temperature recorded in July was 28.5°C - a 1.6°C rise over the monthly norm, the Met Office said on Wednesday.

Despite the intense heat and abundant sunshine that characterised the month, no heatwaves were recorded in July. 

The hottest day of the month was July 21, when the mercury peaked at 37.9°C. The record high for July remains 42.7°C, reached for the first time in 1988 and again last year.

The lowest temperature of the month was 20.2°C, recorded on July 6.

Throughout the month, the islands basked in 384 hours of sunshine, exceeding the monthly norm for July by 15 hours.

The sea was also warmer than usual, with the average sea surface temperature reaching 26.9°C; nearly 2°C above the norm.

The islands are meanwhile set to enjoy sunny and warm weather during the Santa Maria long weekend.

The Met Office reiterated its warning to people to protect themselves from the anticipated high temperatures.

Sunny skies are forecast for August 15, with temperatures expected to peak at 35°C and drop to a low of 25°C.

The following day will be characterised by similar weather conditions, with temperatures set to climb by one degree.

Although some high clouds may appear over the weekend, the weather will remain warm and dry, with no rain expected to interrupt the festivities.

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