Just over €1.5 million was raised at an annual televised fundraiser in aid of Dar tal-Providenza on New Year’s Day.

The 12-hour Festa ta' Generozita’ ended with €1,540,278 collected by midnight, surpassing the €1.4 million raised the previous year.

Money will be used to fund Dar tal-Providenza, a home in Siġġiewi for people with disabilities. The home houses 115 residents and costs around €4 million a year to operate. Dar tal-Providenza also operates four community homes Siġġiewi, Qawra, Birkirkara and Żurrieq.

At the end of the event, Mgr. Martin Micallef, Director of the home said he hoped that the solidarity shown towards Id-Dar tal-Providenza on the first day of the new year will continue throughout the year with all those in our Maltese society who need support.

The event raised just over €1.5 million. Photo: FacebookThe event raised just over €1.5 million. Photo: Facebook

Wednesday’s charity telethon, which began with a mass led by Archbishop Charles Scicluna, was broadcast on all main TV stations from 10am onwards.

Various MPs and local celebrities, including head of state President Myriam Spiteri Debono, made appearances at the event to urge people to donate. Artists donated works to be sold by auction, with those sales raising €37,158.

The Maltese government donated €25,000 from the Social Causes Fund, with that donation given by Inclusion Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli.   

The event was a special one as Dar tal-Providenza is marking 60 years since it was founded this year.

The Festa ta' Generozita’ is held every year on New Year's Day. It is one of two major charity telethons held over the Christmas period. The other, L-Istrina, is held on Boxing Day in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation. 

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