Confidence in politics

People were delighted to know that among the valid candidates for the next general election, the Nationalist Party will be presenting Dione Borg.

Analytically minded, his extensive knowledge and articulate speech, together with his sense of peaceful co-existence of supporters having different political beliefs, are very much publicly appreciated.

This is the type of personalities we need to bring about the desired change in this country. The PN has always been a refuge in the most difficult times.

Photo: Matthew MirabelliPhoto: Matthew Mirabelli

Today, once again, many are entrusting Bernard Grech and his formidable team – including the recently announced inspirational name of George Vital Zammit – with restoring hope in this country.

A quality of life incorporating peace of mind and sound policies advantageous to all of us have always been the hallmark of the PN. It is encouraging to know people are becoming more and more aware of the urgent need for change.

It was correct for Adrian Delia who, in a recent radio programme, instead of thanking callers lauding him for his achievements, commented positively on the intelligent questions and observations from a knowledgeable electorate.

Every day, people are being empowered by authentic personalities within the PN, the only alternative government that will replace corruption by transparency and accountability, solidarity and a fair distribution of wealth.

Through patience, teamwork and competence, confidence in politics can be restored, regaining credibility and high standards, and reflecting a commitment to excellence, so Malta can enjoy the reputation it deserves.


Tourism in Gozo

I would like to ask whether the Malta Tourism Authority and the Gozo Tourism Association are aware of what is happening in Gozo, on the other side of the channel, where, within a stretch of seven kilometres, at least five hotels have recently increased their capacity to welcome tourists coming to our shores.

Past and present experience has shown that the hotel industry in Gozo has suffered a lot and what is left is just surviving.

I would like a straight answer from the authorities concerned.

I wonder whether a way can be found so that the island of Gozo gets its share of what is the main sustainable income for our nation.


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